Discography (New Song “Ship of Theseus”)



Hua Chenyu, a male singer and songwriter from the People’s Republic of China, who also works as an arranger. He graduated from Wuhan Conservatory of Music. Hua’s main nickname in the media is “Hua hua (花花)”, which means flower. However, most fans, regardless of age, refer to him as “Big Brother / Boss (大哥)”.

In September 2018, five years after his debut, Hua held a two-day personal concert at China’s largest stadium, the Beijing National Stadium (Bird’s Nest), becoming the first to do so among the singers born after 1990.

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“MARS CONCERT (火星演唱会)” list

“MARS CONCERT (火星演唱会)” list

1. Origin

When first debuted, Hua Chenyu was often referred to as the “boy from Mars (火星弟弟)” by the media, due to his slightly strange personality.
Hua simply made “MARS” his image symbol, and promised his fans that “someday we will return to Mars together”. To fulfill this promise, Hua named his personal concert “MARS CONCERT (火星演唱会)”.
By the way, His fans also received the nickname “ET (Martian,火星人)”.

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“MARS CONCERT 2024 (Nanchang Concert Updated)”
2024 Event information (Updated on July 15th)
Magazine (Updated on June, 2024)
Beauty Yet Revealed to Me (那些我尚未知道的美丽)
Eternal Flame (永不熄灭的火焰)
Celebrity Endorsement and Advertising Jingles (Updated on April 2024)