Mayfly (蜉蝣)
Sitcom “The Unexpected (史料不及)” - Guest star
Variety Show  “Amazing Driver (车神来了)”
Sitcom “We Love Home (恋家有方)” - Cameo Role

Sitcom “We Love Home (恋家有方)” - Cameo Role

“We Love Home (恋家有方)” is an experimental sitcom that focuses on emotions, featuring three couples of different ages as the protagonists, telling various daily stories in a relaxed and humorous way.
Hua Chenyu made a cameo role as himself as a super star, in an episode themed “Fanatic pursuit of stars”.

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“Super idol (星动亚洲)” Season 1 - Idol Talent Competition
“Working Diary” - Documentary Reality Show “Made by fans Season 3 (粉丝制造第三季)”