Spark·Flame (火花Flame)

Spark·Flame (火花Flame)

On October 13, 2024, character song “Spark·Flame (火花Flame” for the Peace Super Group “space-time Concerto: Spark (时空协奏曲:火花)”, sung by Hua Chenyu, was officially released.
Hua cosplayed as this character to film the MV.



Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Lvy Yiqiu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng
火花Flame Spark·Flame
如火 别入魔 混沌不是我 Like fire, don’t be consumed, chaos is not me
轮回之中他们可曾 分出因果 In cycles of life, have they
ever separated cause and effect?
歌颂 瞳孔里 最后那团火 Sing praise to the last flame
burning in those eyes
In this time and space,
you’re alive the more you cherish the pain
别妄图干涉 我燃烧的轮廓 Don’t try to interfere with
my burning silhouette
我绽出 火花才不管会把谁烧成飞灰 I ignite the flames,
uncaring of who will turn into ash
我擅作自我 不擅假意迎合 I excel at being myself, not at pretending
那子弹 瞄准的是我
却从未曾 将我击溃
That bullet aims for me
but has never brought me down
任沉默 的躯体 The body left silent
装悦耳的魂灵 Holds a melodius soul
组成 无数矛盾的乐章 Forming a symphony of contradictions
协奏在此刻 Playing at this moment
I’m a hero I’m a hero
寻找这场硝烟弥漫落幕的信号 Searching for the signal
for this battle to end
I’m a hero I’m a hero
专注才是治愈纷乱 唯一的解药 Focus is the only cure for chaos
I’m a hero I’m a hero
