West Gate Youth (西门少年)

West Gate Youth (西门少年)

On April 24, 2020, in the 1st round of the singing contest “Singer 2020” finals, Hua Chenyu and his senior sister Chris Lee, who debuted in the same musical talent competition series, sang the latter’s masterpiece “West Gate Youth (西门少年)”.

West Gate Youth


“Singer 2020” Finals Round 1

Chinese Lyrics

Lyricist, Compose: Chris Lee
Support Guest & Original Singer: Chris Lee
Arrange: Bernard Zheng
西门少年 West Gate Youth
Chris: 那就从这座城市的西门开始 Let’s just start from the west gate of this city
有一条街沿少年们曾奔跑摔流血不止 There is a street on which the youth had been running, falling down, and bleeding
红色大门外杂乱无序的野草种子 The unruly wild grass seeds outside the big red gate
是我耳濡目染到最原始坚韧的性子 have influenced me the most with their primitive persevering nature
未能经历时间洗礼的骄傲之子 The offspring of pride who have not experienced the baptism of time
还远远读不懂青春不死那一首诗 are still far away from understanding that poem about eternal youth
灰头土脸狂奔永不知疲惫的日子 In those days of tirelessly running around with a muddy face
妈和爸狠狠赏过屁股上几棍子 mom and dad used a stick to bestow on my butt a few heavy strikes
穿着破球鞋的人就这样渐渐长大 The person wearing tattered skateboard shoes grew up gradually just like that
年轻心脏的梦在不知不觉中发了芽 The dream from my youthful heart germinated without being noticed
扬帆远航乘风破浪要去惊讶天下 With raised sails I wanted to break the waves and travel afar to surprise the world
生命的意义就是要纵情燃烧不怕留疤 The meaning of life is to burn as one wishes without fear of leaving behind scars
日月问少年能够不羁多少个四季 The sun and moon ask the youth, how many seasons can you indulge?
少年说一定率性而行无所畏惧 The youth replied, I will fearlessly charge forward being loyal to my heart
不管路上遇到妖魔鬼怪还是腥风血雨 Regardless of the demons, devils, ghosts, ogres, or bloody rain I will encounter on the road
靠自己的拳头向着阳光生长坚定不移 I will grow unyieldingly toward the sun relying on my fists
Hua & Choir: 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 The wild fire cannot wipe us out for we are born in the wild and we grow in the wild
Hua: 清脆的酒瓶碰击声就在昨日 The clinking sound of beer bottles was heard only yesterday
八月的暴雨之后横空出世 They arrived upon the world from nowhere after a pouring rain in August
盛夏的野草疯狂侵略之势不可阻止 A crazy invasion of weeds is unstoppable in the prime of summer
混杂的汗水味每个人都屏息咬紧牙齿 The mixed smell of sweat makes everybody bite their tongue and hold their breath
我听到不同颜色的人在呐喊我的名字 I heard the shout of my name by people of different colors
不管那个声音是捍卫还是讽刺 Regardless if that voice is protective or sarcastic
我都只想说一句不好意思 I only want to say: I am sorry
因为我从来就不会循规蹈矩服从压制的模子 Because I have never followed the rules and obeyed the norms
后来我渐渐离开了这座城市 Later, I gradually left this city
像更多心怀抱负的少年一样奋力展翅 Like many ambitious youth, I tried hard to spread my wings to fly
天大地大的精彩和危险才真正略知 Only after experiencing the brilliance and danger of this vast world have I come to know
天花乱坠的诱惑和匿名口水满地充斥 that dazzling temptations and anonymous attacks are ubiquitously abundant
他们企图让我沦为被现实裹挟的人质 They tried to subdue me to be a hostage to reality
我梗着脖子摇头低声说了个不字 I tightened my back, shook my head, and said no in a low voice
就算遍体鳞伤也要孤注一掷握紧旗帜 Even if I am covered with wounds I will still tightly grasp the flag betting on all my strength
戴上皇冠披上荆棘才是时代的样子 Only by crowning myself while wearing thorns can I portray this time in my life
Chris & Choir: 野火烧不尽我们的野生野长 The wild fire cannot wipe us out for we are born in the wild and we grow in the wild
Hua: 我知道攀登高峰的崎岖变得越来越难走了 I know that climbing the mountain’s winding path is getting harder and harder
好多曾经一起追风的热血少年都朽了 Many hot-blooded youth who chased the wind with me have withered away
力不从心的时候说真的也想过放弃吧 To be honest, when I was overwhelmed I also thought of giving up
独自一人的坚持毕竟举步维艰啊 After all, the resistance of one person is difficult to sustain
Chris: 这些都是你也有过的想法吧 Haven’t you also had these thoughts?
但我知道你绝不可能妥协吧 But I know you will never compromise, isn’t that right?
虽然不同样子不同身世但追梦的初心一致 Our original intention in chasing our dreams are the same although our appearances and experiences are different
我就是你心底绝不跪地求饶的倔强分子 You are you, the stubborn person who will never kneel to beg for mercy
Hua: 我已准备好踏上下一段新的征程 I am ready to embark on the next new journey
我会不懈战斗直至生命最后一程 I will keep on fighting till the last stop on this journey of my life
狂风暴雨电闪雷鸣或者喝彩声 Be it wild wind, relentless rain, flashing lightning, deafening thunder or cheers
独奏震耳欲聋的英雄交响永远精神 The sole performance of the thundering heroic symphony will forever be uplifting
Duet: 我要如最初的那个西门少年 We should be like those original west gate youth
不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 Keep on running with all our might without fear of slander and bleeding
Hua: 我要如最初的那个西门少年 We should be like those original west gate youth
Duet: 不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 Keep on running with all our might without fear of slander and bleeding
我要如最初的那个西门少年 We should be like those original west gate youth
不畏流血不惧流言不停奋力奔跑下去 Keep on running with all our might without fear of slander and bleeding
