If You were Li Bei (如果你是李白)
Nanping Evening Bell (南屏晚钟)
Flammable and Explosive (易燃易爆炸)
Great Sage Equal To Heaven (齐天大圣)

Through My Heart (穿心)

Ending song for the TV drama “Shuttle Love Millennium (相愛穿梭千年2)”. Single released on November 7, 2016.

Starting in 2021, Mars Concert had been upgraded to an outdoor rock festival. Hua put his rock songs in the more exciting Evening Show, and put his early songs and some pop songs in the more relaxed Matinee. This song had also become one of Matinee’s fixed repertoire.

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My Skateboard Shoes 2016 (我的滑板鞋2016)
“The Goddess (女神的新衣)” - Fashion Reality Show
Miles Away From Loneliness (我离孤单几公里)
Vanished Yesterday (消失的昨天)
For Forever