Quirky Psychology (怪诞心理学)

Quirky Psychology (怪诞心理学)

First released in “Mars Concert 2024” Hefei concert, on August 10th, 2024.

Be included in Hua Chenyu’s 6th album “Quantitative Change Tipping Point”.


Mars Concert 2024 - Hefei

Official Video

Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Lyu Yiqiu
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
怪诞心理学 Quirky Psychology
别 害怕我的尖牙俐齿和示威 Don’t fear my sharp tongue and defiance
我只想 帮绵羊
I only want to help the sheep
scare off the lurking wolves
别 评头论足我的长毛和气味 Don’t judge my fur and smell with disdain
我会哭 也会笑
I may cry or laugh
but I am just not skilled at pretending
看 食肉动物 在吃草 Look, the carnivores are grazing now
世界多和平美好 How peaceful and beautiful the world is
被 误解也好 不需要 Misunderstood? It’s fine. No need to
创造 新的怪物 create new monsters
One two three four One, two, three, four.
戴上礼帽 可笑 Put on a top hat, how amusing
看谁露出马脚 Let’s see who slips up
直立的角 可笑 That upright horn, how absurd
戳破高尚外套 Piercing through the noble facade
怪物是 wohh 对的 The monster is right, wohh,
wohh 别声讨 Wohh, don’t condemn it
别 逼我找出直立行走的同类 Don’t force me to find my bipedal kin
斑马它 总会有
Zebras always have barriers
between black and white
别 告诉孩子我是危险的魔鬼 Don’t tell the children I’m a dangerous monster
天使他 从不会
Angels never save everyone
当 温顺动物 被清剿 When the docile animals are all wiped out
血渍统统 被抹掉 All bloodstains are erased
被误解惊扰 我只好 Misunderstood and disturbed,
成为 真的怪物 I have to turn into a real monster
One two three four One, two, three, four.
戴上礼帽 可笑 Put on a top hat, how amusing
看谁露出马脚 Let’s see who slips up
直立的角 可笑 That upright horn, how absurd
戳破高尚外套 Piercing through the noble facade
怪物是 wohh 对的 The monster is right, wohh,
wohh 别声讨 Wohh, don’t condemn it
当 我抹去皮毛烙印和符号 When I erase the marks and brands on my fur
融入了 人世间一角 And blend into a corner of the human world
我舍弃 所有强大和骄傲 I give up all my power and pride
只为能 被人看到 真实的样貌 Just to be seen for who I truly am
他们都对我致意和微笑 They all greet me with smiles
算不算 是认可示好 Does that count as acceptance and warmth?
怪物的 心理我终于明了 I finally understand the monster’s psyche
The more I long to escape troubles
the more they haunt me
One two three four One, Two, Three, Four.
脱掉礼帽 大笑 Take off the top hat and laugh out loud,
这气氛刚刚好 The atmosphere is just right,
直立的角 咆哮 With that upright horn, roaring,
谁才无可救药 Who is beyond redemption?
自然的 Wohh 规则 Nature’s, wohh, rule
Wohh 是忘掉 Wohh, is to forget
