Beauty Yet Revealed to Me (那些我尚未知道的美丽)

Beauty Yet Revealed to Me (那些我尚未知道的美丽)

1. About the song

First released at the MARS CONCERT 2024 Yantai Concert on May 2, 2024. Officially released at 0:00 on May 6, 2024, and is included in Hua Chenyu’s 6th album “Quantitative Change Tipping Point”.

A new version of the single “Extraordinary Ordinary Life (普通到不普通的人生)” with re-written lyrics and arrangement.

On May 20th, 2024, an MV Co-creation with fans was officially released.

2. Videos

Mars Concert 2024 - Yantai Day2

Official Video

MV - Co-creation with fans

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Lvy Yiqiu
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng
那些我尚未知道的美丽 Beauty Yet Revealed to Me
那未来多美丽我尚未知道 I don’t know how beautiful the future will be
才期待花花世界每一场季风 That’s why I await every monsoon in this world full of temptations
散落风中的人该如何祈祷 How should those people tossed by the wind pray
才拥有相同的记号 To bear the same marks?
也许黄昏偶然的漫长 Perhaps the twilight that occasionally lingers
落日金色的幻想 And the golden sunset reveries
都是此刻限定的光 are but fleeting lights of now
每颗心从呱呱坠地 Every heart, from its first beat
冥冥就相伴流浪 is destined to wander with kin
孤独的人早已活在不孤独命运 Lonely souls have lived a fate with friends for long
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
任时间飘摇 let time drift
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
我固执寻找 I tenaciously seek
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
跌跌撞撞的人生 a life that tumbles and stumbles
像不像在舞蹈 Does it not resemble a dance?
那未来多美丽我尚未知道 I don’t know how beautiful the future will be
才期待花花世界每一场季风 That’s why I await each monsoon in this world full of temptations
散落风中的人该如何祈祷 How should those tossed by the wind pray
为某个孤单却又灿烂的人生 For a life that is lonely yet resplendent?
所有生而孤独的人 All those born lonelye
葆有你的天真 preserve your innocence
给世界一个拥抱 Give the world an embrace
不再定义未知的远方 No longer defining the unknown distances
旅程本该不一样 The journey ought to differ
就像我们从不一样 just like we have never been the same
在纷乱嘈杂的中央 In the center of clamorous turmoil
或无人知晓地方 or deserted places
美丽的我永远长成平凡的模样 I, the beautiful, always assume an ordinary guise
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
任时间飘摇 let time drift
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
我固执寻找 I tenaciously seek
一幕一幕 Scene by scene
就算注定有些伤 even if hurt and pain are certain
有些痛也要放肆地跑 I will still revel in running
那为未来多美丽我尚未知道 I don’t know how beautiful the future will be
才期待花花世界每一场季风 That’s why I await each monsoon in this world full of temptations
散落风中的人该如何祈祷 How should those scattered by the wind pray
为某个孤单却又灿烂的人生 For a life that is lonely yet resplendent?
所有生而孤独的人 All those born lonelye
葆有你的天真 preserve your innocence
给时间一个拥抱 Give the world an embrace
我也许是渺小漂流的鱼 I may be but a tiny, drifting fish
是最平庸的一首诗 The most ordinary of poems
但我深爱着阳光泥土空气 Yet I deeply love the sunlight, the soil, and the air
想用力自在大口呼吸 Eager to breathe deeply and freely
去看看未见的广袤 To explore the uncharted vastness
那未来多美丽我尚未知道 I don’t know how beautiful the future will be
才期待花花世界每一场季风 That’s why I await each monsoon in this world full of temptations
散落风中的人该如何祈祷 How should those tossed by the wind pray
为某个孤独却又灿烂的人生 For a life that is lonely yet resplendent?
所有生而孤独的人 All those born lonelye
葆有你的天真 preserve your innocence
就这样拥抱远方 Embrace the vast beyond just like this
