Sea of Wind (风之海)

Sea of Wind (风之海)

1. About the song

First released in “Mars Concert 2023” Shanghai concert, on September 28, 2023. It was officially released at 24:00 on the same day.
This is Hua Chenyu’s first attempt at writing a refreshing song, and is included in Hua Chenyu’s 6th album “Quantitative Change Tipping Point”.

2. Videos

Mars Concert 2023 - Shanghai Day2

Official Video

2023 Weibo Night

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: nekoy
Compose: Hua Chenyu
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
风之海 Sea of Wind
摘一片云朵 Catch a wisp of cloud
踏在脚下看日落 and ascend it to watch the sunset
你在云的那头 Beyond the clouds’ edge
掀起 一阵阵幻想 推着我走 you evoke waves of dreams
that propel me forward
想让你为我停留 Might you pause for me?
我迟钝伸出双手 With tentative hands, I reach out
捕捉你的身影 Trying to catch traces of you
瞬间 却弄丢你来时的线索 Yet swiftly, I lost the clues of your arrival
唤醒我 Awaken me
指引我 Guide me
告诉我 Tell me
在哪里等待你会来认领我 Where can I wait for you to sweep me away?
你记得我最纯净的轮廓 You remember my purest silhouette
握住小小风车和放肆的梦 Holding a small windmill and untamed dreams
你小心保管我不思议的念头 You carefully guard my unconscious musing
秘密从不会对谁泄露 Never reveal the secret to anyone
平凡中寻得我拥抱你的温柔 Amidst the ordinary,
I found the gentleness to embrace you
而你却 有保留 地遇见我 Yet you approached me with a guarded heart
不屑被谁所有 Loathing to be tethered by anyone
你该有多自由 how boundless is your freedom
我慌张奔走 I roam around in angst
多像你来去无踪 So much like you,
arriving and departing without a trace
世界如此宽广 The world is so vast
我们 终究要登上哪座山峰 To which pinnacle are we destined to ascend?
晴雨日升和月落 Through rain and glow, dawn and dusk
你经过必有回声 Your passage will leave echoes
起风时候 When the winds blow
记得 再次 呼喊我奔跑吧跟随风 Remember to call upon me once more
to chase their gusts
唤醒我 Awaken me
指引我 Guide me
告诉我 Tell me
在哪里走散你都会找到我 Wherever I get lost, you will find me
你记得我最纯净的轮廓 You remember my purest silhouette
握住小小风车和放肆的梦 Holding a small windmill and untamed dreams
你小心保管我不思议的念头 You carefully guard my unconscious musing
秘密从不会对谁泄露 Never reveal the secret to anyone
平凡中寻得我拥抱你的温柔 Amidst the ordinary,
I found the gentleness to embrace you
躲在你 怀抱 Cradled in your embrace
只顾向前走 I march onward without hesitation
却探不到尽头 Yet with no end apparent;
你该有多 辽阔 such is your boundless infinity
风吹醒 沉睡那首歌 Wind awakened the slumbering song
追寻歌声 Chasing after the melody
便找到风的海 we found the sea of wind
小小孩是否能听见 它在笑呀 Can you hear the wind’s laughter,
my little child?
欢唱吧 Sing joyfully
呼唤他 Call out to him
回来啊 Come back!
你经过我每个灿烂时刻 In every splendid moment you drift past
我才真正学会如你般自由 I come to truly grasp
how to embrace freedom as you do
而你也曾温柔躲进她的眼眸 Once you also tenderly nestled within her gaze
孤独被染上童话底色 And imbued solitude in fairytale hues
任世界多宽广 Despite the world’s vast expanse
停泊在这港口 anchor here in this harbor
握住一瞬间 称它为永久 Seize the moment, and call it eternity
再黯淡的星河 都趁着风闪烁 Even the faintest stars will twinkle with the wind
