Contra in the Wild (荒野魂斗罗)

Contra in the Wild (荒野魂斗罗)

First performed on February 28, 2020, in the singing contest “Singer 2018” EP4.
The unplugged version of the 2017 work “Code Name Contra”.

In order to adapt to the live broadcast in the studio without an audience, Hua Chenyu tried to re-arrange the song into an unplugged version.
Hua and his friend Zuo Li completed the adaptation overnight.

Contra in the Wild


“Singer 2020” EP4

Mars Concert 2023

Lyrics Translation

Compose: Hua Chenyu
Lyricist: Ding Yanxue
Arrange: Hua Chenyu, Zuo Li
Guitar: Zuo Li
荒野魂斗罗 Contra in the Wild
银幕亮了起来 The screen is lit
看陨石坠落 Watching the meteorite as it falls
我闯入未知的群岛 I break into the unknown islands
神秘异次元觉醒一股力量后 After the awakening of a mysterious force from an alternate universe
预言现在开始应验 What’s been foreboded comes into reality
那感受 冲上血液 That feeling rushes to my blood
我不会回头 I will not turn back
危险降临 The danger is setting in
加速前进 and I accelerate the advancement
脱下皮革外套 Taking off my leather jacket
我潜到 暗藏机关战壕 I sneak into the trap-filled trench
不拐弯的视角 With a sight that never strays
静悄悄 深入秘密城堡 I silently penetrate the secret castle
Oh let me do the fight
我枪法盖世并不随意用 I am an excellent shooter but only fire when necessary
Oh let me do the fight
我勇者无惧定浴火为龙 I am the fearless dragon who will be reborn by trials of fire
结束虔诚祷告 After I finish my pious prayer
再默写一次暗号 I recite the secret code once more
那边的黑影倾巢 Over there, the dark power is fully deployed
算是什么预兆 What kind of telling sign is this?
当烈焰燃烧到夜空 When the fire burns the night sky
狼烟起 and the smoke of battle rises up
我就见招拆招 I will play it by ear
那冲动 愈发强烈 That urge grows stronger
凶猛如困兽 and more fierce than a trapped beast
危险降临 When danger sets in
我不信命 I don’t believe in fate
脱下皮革外套 Taking off my leather jacket
我潜到 暗藏机关战壕 I sneak into the trap-filled trench
不拐弯的视角 With a sight that never strays
静悄悄 深入秘密城堡 I silently penetrate the secret castle
Oh let me do the fight
我枪法盖世并不随意用 I am an excellent shooter but only fire when necessary
Oh let me do the fight
我勇者无惧定浴火为龙 I am the fearless dragon who will be reborn by trials of fire
危险降临 When danger sets in
我不信命 I don’t believe in fate
我只拥有一个代号 I only have one code name
它或许可笑 It may look funny
不懂游戏的技巧 without knowing the tricks of the game
学不会假笑 It cannot learn to feign a smile
长不出讨好样貌 or to put on a pleasing appearance
但它能至少 But at least
支撑我坚持战斗 it can support me to persist in fighting
不畏惧跌倒 and be fearless of falling down
Oh let me do the fight
我枪法盖世并不随意用 I am an excellent shooter but only fire when necessary
Oh let me do the fight
我勇者无惧定浴火为龙 I am the fearless dragon who will be reborn by trials of fire
定浴火为龙 Dragon who will be reborn by trials of fire
定浴火为龙 Dragon who will be reborn by trials of fire
