Insignificance (渺小)

In the 2018 singing competition “The Next S2” EP13 (Finals), Hua Chenyu sang “Insignificance (渺小)” with finalist Geng Sihan.

“The Next” (also known as “Sound of War”) is a singing competition/show where anyone can challenge mature singers. The song the challenger chose for the singer warrior will then be revealed, and the singer warrior must compete with their challenger by singing the chosen song. The singer warriors have 24 hours to rearrange to chosen songs, and after 24 hours, they will face their challengers on the stage with 400 audiences who would cast their votes to decide the winner.

In the second half of the competition, each of the surviving challengers form a combination with a singer, and compete against other teams by performing together.


“The Next S2” EP13 (Finals)

Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Zhou Yaohui
Compose: Yang Zipu
Original Singer: Hebe Tien
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
渺小 Insignificance
Geng 最繁华的城市 Why do the busiest cities
为何带来最寂寞的北极熊 Bring the loneliest polar bears?
最纯洁的孩子 How could the purest children
如何走过最肮脏的垃圾场 Walk through the filthiest dump?
最混乱的回忆 The most confusing memories
永远让我想起最专注的一刹那 Always remind me of the most focused moment
最丑陋的世界 Yet the ugliest world
偶然让我看到最美丽的一首诗 Showed me the most beautiful poem by chance
最暴烈的流徒难道为了 Is the harshest separation
成就最温柔的小团圆 The preset for the gentlest reunion?
最简单的渴望 The simplest hopes
从来不想证明最荒谬的大时代 Are never meant to prove the most bizarre time
Hua 原来最暗的天空 It turns out that the darkest skies
Geng 总有闪烁的星星 Have everlasting stars
Hua 原来最大的怀疑 It turns out that in the deepest doubts
Geng 总有渺小的自己 Have always hid the insignificant self
Duet We wanna fight
We wanna fight
Rap 最繁华的城市 Why do the busiest cities
为何带来最寂寞的北极熊 Bring the loneliest polar bears?
最纯洁的孩子 How could the purest children
如何走过最肮脏的垃圾场 Walk through the filthiest dump?
最混乱的回忆 The most confusing memories
永远让我想起最专注的一刹那 Always remind me of the most focused moment
最丑陋的世界 Yet the ugliest world
偶然让我看到最美丽的一首诗 Showed me the most beautiful poem by chance
原来最暗的天空总有最闪烁的星星 Now I know that the darkest skies have everlasting stars
为唤不回的 为做不到的 For all things passed / For all things unreachable
为还在活的我和你 For you and me who are still alive
原来最大的怀疑总有最渺小的自己 Now I know that in the deepest doubts have always hid the insignificant self
向蝴蝶知更 向肉体灵魂 To all butterflies and robins / To all flesh and soul
向芸芸众生 To all the living
我该说感谢 还是对不起 Should I say thank you or sorry?
在某一天消失 在某一天诞生 They fade away one day / They are born another day
在某一天宽恕我和你 You and I / Will be forgiven one day
Duet Fight
We wanna fight
