Idiot (白痴)

Idiot (白痴)

In the 2018 singing competition “The Next S2” EP12,
Hua Chenyu adapted and sang famous Chinese singer Faye Wong’s masterpiece “Idiot (白痴)”, with challenger Ma Lu .

1. About the song

“The Next” (also known as “Sound of War”) is a singing competition/show where anyone can challenge mature singers. The song the challenger chose for the singer warrior will then be revealed, and the singer warrior must compete with their challenger by singing the chosen song. The singer warriors have 24 hours to rearrange to chosen songs, and after 24 hours, they will face their challengers on the stage with 400 audiences who would cast their votes to decide the winner.

In the second half of the competition, each of the surviving challengers form a combination with a singer, and compete against other teams by performing together.

Hua Chenyu used baroque polyphony (music composed of multiple independent voices) when adapting the song, and also designed a highly ritualistic stage design to create a unique atmosphere.

During the performance, Hua sprained his waist. But later his stiff movements became part of the performance, helping him achieve better results.

2. Videos

“The Next S2” EP12

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Albert Leung
Compose: San Bao, Hua Chenyu
Original Singer: Faye Wong
Arrange: Bernard Zheng, Hua Chenyu
白痴 Idiot
哪怕没有办法 Even without solutions
一定有说法 There must be opinions
就算没有鸽子 Even without doves
一定有乌鸦 There is bound to be crows
固执无罪 Stubbornness is not a crime
梦想有价 Dreams come with a price
让他们惊讶 Let them be surprised
乌鸦的嘴巴从来不说脏话 The mouths of crows never spew ugliness
只有天才他听懂了我的话 Only genius can understand my words
我们大家 We the people
光明正大 Are open and honest
来张开嘴吧 Let us open our mouths
什么海角 What corners of the sea?
什么天涯 What edges of the sky?
明天我要攀越喜玛拉雅 Tomorrow I will climb over the Himalayas
什么高楼 What sky scrappers?
什么大厦 What tall cities?
莫非我们的嗓子太邋遢 Are our voices too ugly?
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们伟大 We are great
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们伟大 We are great
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们不傻 We are not idiots
我们伟大 We are great
我们不傻 We are not idiots
