Quench Every Thirst (无渴不爽)

Quench Every Thirst (无渴不爽)

CM song for “Sprite”.
Officially released at March 22, 2021.


Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Jiao Dong
Compose: Walter Marks
Arrange: Henrik Tala
无渴不爽 Quench Every Thirst
坚定眼光 对准的方向 My determined gaze is focused on the path
乘着我所有的倔强 Riding on all my stubbornness
去远方破浪 Breaking waves as I go far away
我由我主张 I follow my own ideas,
渴自由释放 thirsty for unbridled freedom
活只此一场 You only live once
不懂退让 and I don’t know how to back off
我的生活不止于想象 My life isn’t only limited to what I can imagine
我让心跳声放肆高亢 My heart indulges in beating out loud,
敲开我梦想 to knock open my dream
我由我主张 I follow my own ideas,
渴自由释放 thirsty for unbridled freedom
活只此一场 梦肆意生长 I only live once and my dream grows freely
我与其奢望谁给的奖赏 I would rather give bonuses to everybody
倒不如自己来打赏全场 than dream about being rewarded by others
不会随遇而安 I will not settle for what’s been given
不忘继续疯狂 I won’t forget what I’m crazy about
人生片场 会是怎样 听我主张 My life plays out according to my ideas
既然敢上场 Given that I dared to stand onstage
就敢于独自面向 镜中的脸庞 I dare to look at the face in the mirror alone
去学会欣赏 活得更漂亮 I learn to appreciate it and live a more beautiful life
我由我主张 I follow my own ideas,
渴自由释放 thirsty for unbridled freedom
活只此一场 You only live once
用我的气场 Using my own aura
骄傲的远扬 I will proudly sail faraway
把所有向往 注入我的信仰 All I’ve longed for has been poured out into my belief
当仁不让 I will not back off when it’s my turn
去无限酣畅 Enjoying it to my heart’s content,
迸发我的光芒 I will release my brilliance
透心凉的爽 Cool to the max,
让渴全部释放 quench every thirst
敢拼敢当 Dare to compete, dare to take responsibility
勇敢去闯 Explore bravely
一场渴的释放 Release your thirst
