Provocation (挑衅)
On September 20, 2013, Hua Chenyu sang Shin Band’s sad love song “Provocation (挑衅)” in the “TOP5 to TOP3 Love Songs PK Round” of “Superboy 2013”, in an atmosphere full of rebellion and murderous intent.
In the “TOP5 to TOP3” knockout round, Hua Chenyu received unreasonable criticism and ended up in a situation where he had to compete with his friends. So he simply vented his pent-up anger and eliminated his best friend in this less than two-minute song.
TOP5 to TOP3 Love Songs PK Round
Chinese Lyrics
Lyricist: Wang Wuxiong |
挑衅 |
我的梦早已归零 |
我的爱结成冰 |
褪色的刺青 |
残留的姓名 |
那是我的曾经 |
别为我动了真情 |
别怪我那麼king |
孤独的背影 |
落寞的神情 |
经不起你的挑衅 |
不要闯进我冰冷的爱情 |
我怕沉睡的梦被你惊醒 |
无论束手就擒 |
或是抵挡你的入侵 |
都会让我 |
摇摆不定 触景伤情 |
你的梦如此清醒 |
你的爱太冷静 |
催泪的叮咛 |
温柔的神情 |
却又让我动心 |
别让我掉入陷阱 |
别恨我不敢听 |
固执的个性 |
坚定的表情 |
经不起你的挑衅 |
不要闯进我冰冷的爱情 |
我怕沉睡的梦被你惊醒 |
无论束手就擒 |
或是抵挡你的入侵 |
对我来说 |
都是挑衅 |
不要挑衅我冰冷的爱情 |
我怕醒来会爱你爱不停 |
请你别再靠近 |
不要让我狠不下心 |
现在的我 |
经不起你 |
一再挑衅 |