Immortal (不朽)

1. About the song

Released on September 17, 2014.

“Immortal (不朽)” is another song originally composed by indie rock band Dúné and chosen by Hua Chenyu. Given that song selection was made from over 20,000 demos, it’s clear that Hua truly loves the music of this band, as he chose several of their songs in this first album.

The fast-paced musical style of “Immortal” is metal, rhythmic, and rocky. There are distinct stylistic differences between the more electronic verses and the rock-style chorus.

Bernard Zheng’s arrangement emphasized the guitar segments with a very interesting interlude. The vocals are challenging for the singer, as they are high in the treble range with explosive segments. Hua Hua received praise from the sound engineers during the recording process as he was not only able to sing in that high range for many hours at a time, but also returned the next day rested and able to give his best.

The young and wild attitude of the song arises from the combination of melody, instrumentation and Hua’s powerful singing. The wonderful lyrics composed by Guo De Ziyi are determined, proud and unyielding; echoed by the wild cries of a princely, passionate young man.

2. Videos


Mars Concert 2016 Official Video

3. Lyrics Translation

Lyricist: Guo Deziyi
Compose: Dúné
Arrange: Dúné,Bernard Zheng
不朽 Immortal
生活是种借口 Life is an excuse
胁迫人放弃一切拥有 Threatening us to give it all up
我活得捉襟见肘 I’m stretched thin
但是我get it get it But I get it get it
我是 不朽 I am Immortal
虽然 你眼里 的我 Although in your eyes
只不过 一头困兽 I am nothing but a trapped beast
我该 不朽 I should be Immortal
霸占 永恒才足够 Only by seizing eternity can I be satisfied
不屑做 卑微小丑 I’m above being a lowly clown
懦弱不是理由 Cowardice is not an excuse
让我 quit quit quit to fight To let me quit quit quit to fight
随着时间腐朽 As time decays
抱歉我get it get it Sorry, but I get it get it
我是 不朽 I am Immortal
占据 理智的 魔咒 A curse that takes over all rationality
如黑洞 吞噬所有 Like a black hole that devours all
我该 不朽 I should be Immortal
拒绝 被现实遗漏 I refuse to be forgotten by reality
不屑做 卑微小丑 I’m above being a lowly clown
我是 不朽 I am Immortal
就该 被铭记 永久 Should be engraved into memory forever
被侍奉 毫无保留 Served without reservations
我该 不朽 I should be Immortal
受众生 膜拜 永久 Forever worshipped by all beings
我拥有 完美自由 I have the perfect freedom
我是 不朽 I am Immortal
就该 被铭记 永久 Should be engraved into memory forever
被侍奉 毫无保留 Served without reservations
我该 不朽 I should be Immortal
受众生 膜拜 永久 Forever worshipped by the world
我拥有 完美自由 I have the perfect freedom
我本就是不朽 I’m Immortal to begin with
何必妥协迁就 Why should I compromise or yield
现在轮到你叩首 Now it’s your turn to kneel down
说你 get it get it Say you get it get it
